Expert Insights: Anticipated SEO Trends for 2023

8 May

Expert Insights: Anticipated SEO Trends for 2023

In 2022, Google implemented several updates to its algorithm, causing a significant impact on businesses worldwide. The sudden changes left many businesses scrambling to adjust their SEO strategies to remain relevant and competitive.

To stay ahead of the curve, it’s crucial to prepare for the upcoming 2023 trends and adapt your SEO strategy accordingly. Our experts have shared their predictions on what to expect from Google’s next move and how you can leverage these changes to your advantage.

With so much volatility, it’s important to keep your SEO strategy fresh and up-to-date. We’re here to help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of SEO and make sure you’re prepared for what’s to come. So, let’s dive in and explore some exciting predictions for the 2023 Google algorithm changes!

2023 SEO Landscape: Key Predictions and Strategies for Success

Get ahead in the world of SEO with key predictions and strategies for 2023. Stay on top of the game and succeed with these insights into the SEO ecosystem.

More Volatility in The World of SEO 

Experts predict that Google will continue to test new features and algorithmic improvements, potentially resulting in a series of updates released in quick succession. This means that the already rapid pace of algorithmic changes could accelerate, leading to more frequent disruptions and changes in search engine rankings.

It’s essential to keep in mind that Google’s top priority is providing the best user experience possible. While SEO professionals and digital marketers may be impacted by these updates, Google’s main focus is on delivering relevant and high-quality search results to users.

As these changes occur, it’s crucial to stay vigilant and be prepared to act quickly. As a business owner or marketer, it’s up to you to stay up-to-date with the latest algorithmic or trend changes and adjust your SEO strategy accordingly.

Intensified Visual Search in The Future

Visual search is becoming increasingly important, as demonstrated by the popularity of TikTok and Instagram among Gen Zers. In fact, almost 40% of this generation uses these platforms to search for coffee shops and retail stores instead of relying on Google. In response, Google is incorporating more visual components into its search results, using its vision AI technology to analyze the content of pictures and connect them across the web. 

During the forecast period of 2018-2023, the global visual search market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 9% and exceed $14,727 million. This growth is largely attributed to advancements in technology and the widespread use of Visual Search Engines (VISE) in the e-commerce industry.

As a marketer, you can take advantage of this trend by: 

  • adding descriptive alt text to all your photos, including relevant search terms. 
  • including photos in assets that are critical to Google’s algorithm, such as e-commerce pages, Google Business Profiles, product listings in Google’s Merchant Center, and landing pages.
  • considering exploring new ways to incorporate visual content alongside text, such as videos and infographics. By doing so, you can improve the user experience and potentially boost your search engine rankings.

Featured Snippets and Zero-Click Results

Paid promotions may take a backseat, but SEO continues to evolve, leaving businesses with the challenge of keeping up with the latest SERP trends to remain visible in organic search. The dominance of featured snippets and zero-click results in the SERPs is clear, with these often appearing as the same thing, displaying information that meets the user’s search intent. The impact of zero-click results on SEO is still a matter of debate, as they divert clicks and traffic from other search snippets, but studies indicate that Google users do click on featured snippets more frequently.

To increase the likelihood of being featured in zero-click results, businesses should focus on creating high-quality, informative content that delves deeper into key questions rather than providing superficial answers. 

  • They can also utilize FAQ sections on landing pages and pillar pages.
  • Format definitive answers to big questions in ways that are suitable for snippets, such as keeping the answers between 40 and 60 words, or approximately 250 characters. 
  • By following these strategies, businesses can enhance their visibility in the SERPs and attract potential customers to their website.

E-A-T Remains Significant

Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T) has been a trending topic for years now, and it’s not going anywhere in 2023. As businesses shift their focus from paid promotions to organic search, having strong E-A-T signals will become even more crucial. In fact, Google has confirmed that E-A-T is considered for every search query.

Several factors contribute to E-A-T signals, including the expertise of authors, backlinks from credible sources, and mentions from niche experts and opinion leaders. If you’re writing about cooking and restaurants, for example, mentions from renowned food bloggers and cooks can greatly benefit your site’s E-A-T.

However, the increasing demand for E-A-T signals will inevitably lead to a rise in the cost of SEO services. This is because articles written by expert authors will become more expensive, link-building services will cost more, and authoritative media will increase the price of paid post placements. 

As a result, SEO agencies will likely charge more for their services. Additionally, SEO experts concur that expertise and quality content will be more important than ever. Here’s what they have to say:

  • Building a strong personal brand is very important. It’s not just about honing your skills and expertise; you need to actively promote yourself and make sure people and search engines take notice. One way to do this is by participating in public events within your industry, such as conferences, interviews, and podcasts. By putting yourself out there, you can raise your profile and establish yourself as an authority in your field. 
  • And don’t forget about the personal brands of your content creators; they can also play a big role in boosting your online presence. 

So, be conscious and attentive when developing personal brands, and take advantage of every opportunity to showcase your knowledge and expertise.

Growing Importance of Technical SEO

In the world of SEO, content is king. But often overlooked are its technical aspects, which can greatly impact the user experience and ranking. This is where technical SEO comes into play, focusing on the technology behind a website.

Technical SEO includes a variety of practices, such as: 

  • Reviewing site speed and loading times 
  • Optimizing for mobile
  • Checking for duplicate content
  • Ensuring that links are working properly and using files like robots.txt to control what Google crawls.

By paying attention to the technical aspects of SEO, you can improve your website’s user experience and boost your rankings on search engine results pages. So, make sure to prioritize technical SEO in your website development and optimization efforts.

Keywords are Taken Over by Entities

It seems that Google is shifting towards entity-based optimization instead of traditional keyword SEO, which means optimizing content for entities is becoming more effective. This shift may be due to the development of the Knowledge Panel.

Google’s NLP algorithms analyze content to identify entities and determine what the content is about. This information is added to Google’s database of entities, and when there is enough data, Google can create a knowledge panel for the entity. Google’s BERT and MUM algorithms are also based on NLP, which helps Google understand context and generate relevant SERPs.

Entity-based optimization is particularly important for local queries. Google considers the relevance of the entity to a specific location when generating local SERPs, making it a crucial factor in local search.

To make your entity stand out, there are a few expert-recommended steps you can take:

  • Enhance your website’s content by including other entities related to your target entity. This will provide Google with more context and increase your entity’s visibility.
  • Create and maintain a Google Business Profile, especially if you have a local SEO agency. Utilize all the features available to provide Google with more data, which will help it understand your entity better.
  • Connect your entity with other relevant entities by building local backlinks if you have a local SEO services company. This will signal to Google that your entity is credible and trustworthy.
  • Encourage customers to review your business. Positive reviews signal to Google that your entity is valuable and relevant.
  • Consider offline marketing tactics to generate buzz around your entity. Offline events are often shared on social media, which is appreciated by Google and can boost your entity’s visibility.

Wrapping Up

In the world of SEO and Google, it’s hard to predict the future with certainty. But one thing is clear: quality and optimization will be more important than ever before. Don’t skimp on your SEO efforts, and remember that SEO offers long-lasting benefits that paid ads cannot match. If you need assistance, consider working with a professional SEO company like Local SEO Buzz. We offer a comprehensive suite of digital marketing and website development services to help your business succeed online. 

With our expert’s knowledge and up-to-date techniques, you can stand out from the competition and thrive in today’s digital landscape. So invest in your SEO today and reap the rewards for years to come. 


Nitish Sharma

He is a Digital Marketing Professional with 8+ years of work experience and vast knowledge of various Digital Marketing techniques and platforms. He has honed his expertise over the years, making him adept at navigating the dynamic landscape of online marketing. With his wealth of experience, he has successfully executed numerous digital campaigns and strategies, driving significant results for businesses across different industries.

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